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The Epilepsy Centre collaborates with various different universities and other organisations.

Collaboration partner Subject of the collaboration
Universities and companies   
BESA GmbH, Gräfelfing/Munich  EEG signal analysis
Beth Israel Medical Deaconess Center/Harvard Medical School / BostonCNS malformations
Chengdu UniversityGerman-Chinese epilepsy centre, epidemiology, genetics, epilepsy surgery
Cleveland State UniversityElektrophysiology
University of GrazGamma-Knife
Martin Luther University Halle-WittenbergMEG (biomagnetism)
University of InnsbruckNeuropsychology: project lexical battery
University of  BirminghamNeuropsychology
University of LondonReceptor neuroimaging
Otto von Guericke University MagdeburgMEG, deep brain stimulation
University of Marburg Health service research, neuroimmunology
Université de Montréal Montreal Plasticity and epilepsy
University of RennesFunktional neuroimaging
Siemens AG Imaging technique: MR spectroscopy
Associated hospitals
Rummelsberger Anstalten der Inneren Mission Collaboration with regard to mid and long-term care for epilepsy patients
Neurologische Klinik Bad Neustadt/Saale Collaboration with regard to mid and long-term care for epilepsy patients